Monday, August 8, 2011

Albany Gameday XVI has slots!

Comment or email (guedo79 at gmail) to sign up for games.


  1. So what's "Fourcore"? Only the corebooks for 4th edition?

  2. what is this bing zap wangle puff?

  3. fourthcore is a contraction of hardcore and 4th edition, and is a lot of fun in a killer delve kind of way... bing zap wangle puff will be confirmed later this week when I see what promos I got from publishers:)

  4. Hey, sign me up for afternoon fourthcore and I can do 6 at my table.

  5. You got it and you saved be from sending you an email. Let me know if Mr. Cadkitty wants in on anything.

  6. Fourthcore also values player skill over what your skill rolls will let you do. Your character sheet is still important, but Fourthcore assumes that you will meta-game the hell out of it.

    It also expresses AD&D design within 4E rules. So expect a deadly delve.

    Remember that that you can use the same 1st level characters for both Crucible of the Gods and Grind 4E! Also, remember to bring a spare or two because you may be allowed to bring it in if your first character dies. :D

  7. You got it, Jeff.

    We now have 3 full games.

  8. Mr. Cadkitty will take the last spot in James' game.

  9. Mj and I would like to be added to the Crucible of the Gods D&D4 in the morning.
